Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance, and Commercial Auto Insurance in Downey, CA
If you have a business in Downey or the surrounding areas, odds are good that you also have a vehicle for that business, whether it transports your equipment, does deliveries, or other aspects. Your regular individual insurance coverage won’t cut it, just like you need special business or commercial insurance for your business. In order to get the best policy for your needs, give a call to Cowan Insurance who will shop the different providers to get you the commercial auto insurance that you need.

Commercial Insurance for Downey, CA
Commercial insurance is something that you just can’t go without in Downey. General liability insurance is the basis for your commercial insurance, and it’s important because it protects your business from litigated into nothingness. Accidents happen, even when you try very hard to avoid them, and this liability insurance will help to protect the business and your way of life. And this is really just the start of the protection that you should be seeking for your business.
But what is the right business/commercial insurance? Will liability be enough, or do you also need a policy for the property? Will the policy cover vandalism to your shop? Can you get insurance for the industry that you are in? What if it’s just me and I don’t have employees, do I still need insurance? Speak with a Cowan Insurance agent to learn about all of your options.

Business Insurance Agent in Downey, CA
Whether your business consists of just you or you have dozens of employees, business insurance is something that you must have. You have a lot of questions, and the first place you should go is to your Cowan Insurance independent business insurance agent. By understanding your business, your industry, your size, and more, your independent agent will be able to shop for the best business insurance that will fit your needs and keep your business protected.
Downey was founded by and named for the former and youngest ever governor of California, John Gately Downey, who was born in Ireland. Although he was an Irish Democrat, he supported the Republican Lincoln in his efforts to keep the Union intact during the American Civil War. Downey was convinced that oranges would flourish in Southern California, so he imported several varieties, and therefore set in motion what became one of the state’s biggest cash crops.